If you already can cook a bit, then transitioning dishes over to plant based is easy. Here are some tips to get you going.
Protein isn't hard to get from plants, but not everyone is aware of exactly how. This article is the notes for a talk I gave on plant based protein sources.


This is the simplest pasta sauce to make ever, yes the preparation time really is 5 minutes and it is pretty incredible. Roasting everything gives it a natural sweetness that means you don't miss the sugar which is in almost all classic pasta sauce recipes. This version also avoids the oil as well. I love it over gnocchi, or some polenta and mushrooms. Rich and versatile, with plenty of garlic.
Firstly, you can use any mushroom for this, even a flat mushroom if you want to balance the polenta precariously on top of it. This recipe looks very impressive on the plate, and the roasted mushrooms go delicious and juicy. I've put instructions for cooking polenta, but you should probably follow the ones on the packet you bought. I make this without oil, if you want to add oil, I don't see anyway I can stop you, without you at least.
If you eat as many bananas as I do, banana emergencies are bound to happen. You forget you just bought some and buy some more, you are overrun with ripe bananas and you need solutions. Well here is a delicious one, which are great cold or warm, on their own or with icecream/custard/yoghurt etc.
I was showing the Blues Brothers to some friends, so I wanted to think about some classical soul food to go with it. Collard Greens looked healthy and easy to make oil-free. A quick search online said to use kale as a substitute for collard greens, so here you are. I used Tuscan kale but any kale or leaf with a bit of chew in it should work.
Dal with rice is almost the staple Indian traditional dish. Sometimes served as a soup, sometimes as a dish, this thicker version is a meal in itself. Dalicious!
Delightful and healthy dish. Was a very popular dish at the vegan restaurant we once owned, where it was served with a delicious dollop of vegan mock sour creme on top.
Tempeh (or Tempe) is an Indonesian food, made from soy beans that we should all probably be eating more of. Cooked in a satay sauce, this dish is as tasty as it is healthy.


Robin Robertson
This was the first cookbook that I really got into after I became vegan. It doesn't rely on mockmeats, the recipes are not too easy (ie aimed at someone who doesn't know how to make toast), but not too hard (someone who wants to spend all day in the kitchen). The chillis are fantastic, the Indonesian tempeh stew is my go to to convert people to tempeh and the Banana spice pancakes have won me many friends. Solid cookbook, and one you can work your way through and build your confidence with cooking.