Humans are just one of the myriad animal species in our world, yet we wield a power unlike any other. How do we wield this power and what are the consequences of it, both for animals and humans? To consider this question is fundamental to our individual and collective moral progress.
Looking for recipes or tips on how to veganise your cooking? Well this is the section for you.
Are those working for compassion towards animals reducing compassion for humans or strengthening it? Here I make the case that compassion ultimately knows no line of species, and that we should teach compassion for all beings.
With Simon Monsour
I was lucky enough to be interviewed on my friend Simon Monsour's Don't Panic Yet podcast. You can check out the audio and video here.
This is my tale of how I stopped eating the animals that in my heart I had always loved.
This was my unsuccessful entry to a project called "Letters to a New Vegan". I was hoping to capture something different to what I imagined others would write.
I'd never written a game, so thought I would try something as simple as possible just to start to understand how it is done. It just so happened that the Running of the Bulls was on in Spain the following week, so there you have the theme. If you don't know what the running of the bulls is, it's a stupid event where crowds of people, including lots of drunk tourists, harass bulls and then kill them once the event is over. The first version of the game was HTML5/Javascript using the CreateJS framework. I made everything including playing guitar...
I've developed a fun game called Vegan Bingo, you can play it on the web or download it as an Android application. Have fun!
One of my hobbies is eating out, and I think I've been to all of London's best rated establishments which are either vegan, or vegetarian with vegan options. Here is my rundown of the best.
We have enslaved the rest of the animal creation, and have treated our distant cousins in fur and feathers so badly that beyond doubt, if they were able to formulate a religion, they would depict the Devil in human form
— William Ralph Inge
Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson
This beautiful book about the emotional lives of animals is one of my favourites. So often in cases of oppression, a line is attempted to be drawn that justifies it. For African American slaves the fact that they couldn't blush (which they could of course) meant they felt no shame and were a lesser species, for South American natives a court case was held to determine whether they were human and therefore worthy of any compassion. With animals, people attempt to deny, despite every external appearance to the contrary, that they feel pain. No evidence is produced to support this...