Everything you didn't ever want to know about this website, so didn't ask....
E.A.R.T.H. Audio
A handy list of all the audio content on E.A.R.T.H. in one place for your listening pleasure!
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Some bits and pieces I've created for fun which you can check out.
For some reason photos are the most popular part of the site, so who am I to resist the mob.
An essential part of the good life
Exercise is something you should be doing. If you aren't, maybe something I say here will help get your life on track in this single respect.
It seemed like a good idea to make a list of songs I can, or at least could at one point, play on the guitar...
A very short...though some might say still too long...autobiography
A presentation I gave to the Students of Sustainability Conference on the Interdependence of life.
With the truth so dull and depressing, the only working alternative is wild bursts of madness and filigree
The Hobbit is a seminal book in my life. Although I read a little when I was very young, I fell out of the habbit, and sport, movies, tv etc took over. When I was about fourteen a friend of mine lent me the Hobbit, and I took it away with me on a holiday. I became completely absorbed in the book, when I looked away over the fields at night I could imagine Tolkiens orcs creeping silently towards me through the grass. I ended up reading the Hobbit many times and it reignited my love of reading. From there...