What is our relationship towards the environment and why should we care about it?
In the way we have come to use the automobile, I think we have lost many things - clean air, health, nature, green spaces, and a little bit of our soul. This is my call for us to banish mass private ownership of automobiles from our cities.
We need a change in our culture to enable us to live in an environmentally attuned way, here are my ideas on how we need to change
The animals in the human food system are one of the major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. A lot of different studies have come up with different figures as to what percentage of emissions are attributable to livestock; here I discuss them in the context of the world and Australia specifically.
In only a short time, Australia has been radically changed by European settlement. This is an introduction into the main problems we face.
When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves
— David Orr
Bob Brown
Bob Brown stood head and shoulders above the leaders of other parties in this country, morally, intellectually and philosophically. I've been lucky enough to meet him very briefly a couple of times, and he has a warmth and sincerity which immediately draws you to him. Memo for a Saner World is a collection of disparite thought, though with a clear call within it for a more understanding and ecologically sound world. Detailing some of Bob Brown's struggles thoughout the years, he has risked his own safety for higher causes, and has had some stunning successes. For those seeking a deeper...