Everything you didn't ever want to know about this website, so didn't ask....
E.A.R.T.H. Audio
A handy list of all the audio content on E.A.R.T.H. in one place for your listening pleasure!
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Some bits and pieces I've created for fun which you can check out.
For some reason photos are the most popular part of the site, so who am I to resist the mob.
An essential part of the good life
Exercise is something you should be doing. If you aren't, maybe something I say here will help get your life on track in this single respect.
It seemed like a good idea to make a list of songs I can, or at least could at one point, play on the guitar...
A very short...though some might say still too long...autobiography
A presentation I gave to the Students of Sustainability Conference on the Interdependence of life.
Hold fast the time! Guard it, watch over it, every hour, every minute! Unregarded it slips away...Hold every moment sacred. Give each clarity and meaning, each the weight of thine awareness, each its true and due fulfilment
There are many reasons I have read one book or another, and with this one it was for no better reason than that I liked the title. It had stuck in my head for some reason, and so I had no other option than to read the book. How can you not like a book where the main female in the role is named like an exotic goddess, Bathsheba Everdene. Certainly, the male characters in the book find her irresistible and this is the centre of a beautiful tale set in the English countryside. I have recommended it to others...