The Overstory

I don't read a lot of fiction, but this was given to me as a present and I heard good things about it.
What attracted me more than anything else was to the book was that it is about the intertwining relationships between humans and trees. On reading it you realise it is not just about humans and trees, it is the relationships between trees and all life, and the infrastructure that has made that happen over evolutionary time.
The book was so beautifully written, it has descriptive passages that are just a joy to read, and only very occasionally slipped into overindulgence. The discussion of so many species of trees I could not get enough of, and it inspired me to want to learn more about trees. I've always envied people who know what things like trees and birds are called, maybe I could dispell my own ignorance a little more.
It also talks about activism, something dear to me, that I'm perhaps not brave enough to do to the level of some that I admire.
I can't see anyone who loves nature and the world who wouldn't get something out of this book. I was entranced, and even if the end was slightly confusing and unresolved, it is a journey I'd be very happy to take again.
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