
On my way back to London I decided to stop off in Singapore, having never been there.

I only knew a bit about it, that it was a "Happy face" faschist state where the standard of living was high.  It was centrally controlled, but in a sort of benevolent dictatorship way.  Certainly, I've seen worse places but then I never really got anyone to talk to me about how free they felt politically etc.

This is the famous merlion and in the background a building was being constructed that was epic in dimensions even at this half-built stage.  I ended up back in Singapore a few years late with friends from work, and we went up the top to check out the completed building which was nice.

Best dosa I've ever had was in Little India, they said it was cooked in oil, and I took their word for it.  They had sliced green chillis throughout the dosa which was perhaps the secret.  I really liked Singapore, I liked the mix of Chinese, Indian, English and Malay cultures.  The food was fantastic, it was clean, and the weather was great.