Occupy London
Occupy London

It felt quite historic being at Occupy London, part of the movement in many countries to take back ownership of our democracy and economic systems.

It is yet another reminder to me, that we all have to be prepared to take leadership roles.  Except of course the people who really want to take leadership roles, they should look at being worker bees.

That the movement failed didn't surprise me after I visited.  People didn't really know what they wanted, and the thus the people who did know what they wanted generally got their way.  Their demands were all about the technical aspects of the City of London.  I tried to say to them, if the City of London was really the problem, these people wouldn't be in power in almost every country in the world, who don't have the weird City of London system.

They didn't listen to me, but no one listened to them really either.  I have come to think it is our dysfunction as human beings, not the evil forces arrayed against us, that are stopping us changing the world.