An introduction to my use of the word transcendence to encapsulate a path forwards for us, a higher consciousness chained to an evolutionary being.
Thoughts on truth and being
A large part of our world is created by our collective meaning. Meaning therefore is a discussion that, while difficult, is too important to ignore. While this may not be as coherent as I would like, if one line resonates with somebody, then that probably justifies the effort in writing it.
As one of the most influential books in our culture, and as part of my general interest in religion, I read the New Testament. Here are my thoughts.
Words sometimes contain worlds. Compassion is such a word, and it is one of great necessity and consequence to our species. This is a discussion of my journey with the word, and the complexities of realising it in life.
My thoughts on the concept of god
I wrote some musings about this force which is so deeply consequential in our society, and against my better judgement put it up here
A truly great man never puts away the simplicity of a child
— Chinese Proverb
Why we behave the way we do
Hans and Micheal Eysenck
There are many ways in which people behave that have been shown by numerous studies to be detrimental to the human condition. Being harsh in disciplining children and distant in their emotional relationships with them was a trait the fathers of Nazi leaders exhibited. Being unconditionally rewarding of a child, whilst a better extreme than the other, is also shown to bring up children with poor emotional self-control. Many studies have shown the best way of bringing up emotionally mature children is consistent, well thought out light discipline, from a loving parent interested in their child. In fact, it was...